About the Can Can Sale:
In 2011, ShopRite donated 40,000 cans of food to local food banks in commemoration of 40 years of Can Can savings by way of its famous, annual Can Can Sale. Now in its 41st year, the Can Can Sale has become extra special with the “Cans for Fans” Facebook program, which enables fans to get involved in the fight against hunger. During the 2012 Can Can Sale (1/5 – 1/21), ShopRite will donate one can of food (up to 50,000 cans) to local food banks in the communities it serves, on behalf of every new ShopRite Facebook fan.
LIKE ShopRite on Facebook by sharing this link (http://on.fb.me/SRFbook) to the official Facebook page; the more “Likes” that ShopRite receives, the more cans it will donate to those in need – it’s that simple!
Visit ShopRite’s “Get Can Canned” website at www.ShopRiteCanCan.com, to upload a personal photo and become a virtual ShopRite Can Can dancer; the image can be emailed to friends, shared via your personal blog, Facebook or Twitter account, or posted to ShopRite's official Facebook page
Visit www.ShopRite.com for the Can’t Can’t Wait Sale Preview on Sunday, January 1st
Disclaimer: Posting this entered me into a drawing
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Verizon Fios
What do I like about Verizon FIOS?
For one, right now we have an antenna, so that means snowy pictures, shows that come in with bits and pieces missing, so anything other than antenna sounds WONDERFUL to me right about now.
The first thing that I love the sound of is that it's weather resistant due to the fiber optic cable. Right now when we have wind, rain, snow or the slightest chance of anything our TV goes haywire. It would be terrific to have reliable reception and constant streaming channels.
The second thing that sounds divine is the flex-view option. The example I was given is: "you missed The King’s Speech in the theater and prefer watching it on FIOS TV on-demand from the comfort of your living room anyway. You rented it late last night and weren’t able to finish it. With Flex View on FiOS TV, you can finish watching it on your mobile phone while waiting in the car pool line." How awesome is this? I would love to be able to watch part of my show at home, then have it streaming to my phone for when I'm sitting in traffic not moving. No, I would not watch it while driving, but for those times where the turnpike is not budging, this would be perfect!
The third reason is the fast internet connection. Our internet comes and goes, and when it is functioning it's very slow. If I try to watch a video on youtube my screen says "streaming" for about 5 minutes before I'm able to watch the 40 second video clip. It's just not worth it sometimes. With Verizon FIOS I wouldn't have to worry about this!
Verizon FiOS on YouTube
Verizon FiOS on Facebook
I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Verizon FiOS blogging program for a gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here: http://VerizonFiOS.socialmoms.com/about
For one, right now we have an antenna, so that means snowy pictures, shows that come in with bits and pieces missing, so anything other than antenna sounds WONDERFUL to me right about now.
The first thing that I love the sound of is that it's weather resistant due to the fiber optic cable. Right now when we have wind, rain, snow or the slightest chance of anything our TV goes haywire. It would be terrific to have reliable reception and constant streaming channels.
The second thing that sounds divine is the flex-view option. The example I was given is: "you missed The King’s Speech in the theater and prefer watching it on FIOS TV on-demand from the comfort of your living room anyway. You rented it late last night and weren’t able to finish it. With Flex View on FiOS TV, you can finish watching it on your mobile phone while waiting in the car pool line." How awesome is this? I would love to be able to watch part of my show at home, then have it streaming to my phone for when I'm sitting in traffic not moving. No, I would not watch it while driving, but for those times where the turnpike is not budging, this would be perfect!
The third reason is the fast internet connection. Our internet comes and goes, and when it is functioning it's very slow. If I try to watch a video on youtube my screen says "streaming" for about 5 minutes before I'm able to watch the 40 second video clip. It's just not worth it sometimes. With Verizon FIOS I wouldn't have to worry about this!
Verizon FiOS on Facebook
I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Verizon FiOS blogging program for a gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here: http://VerizonFiOS.socialmoms.com/about
Friday, March 11, 2011
$25 for $50 worth of merchandise at GAP, Gapkids etc
(in stores only)
March 10-16

In case clicking on the picture above does not work, here is the direct link:
(in stores only)
March 10-16

In case clicking on the picture above does not work, here is the direct link:
Mom's the Word on Dinner
"I don't feel like eating dinner now!", "I want ice cream!" For most Moms, these are all too familiar-- and all too frequent -- demands heard by kids everywhere around 5:30 pm. Yes, as Moms we face a set of dinnertime challenges nearly every night- challenges that only another mom can understand. That's why Ragú® is launching "Mom's the Word on Dinner," an online community for moms to laugh, learn and share their take on what really happens at dinnertime.
Ragú® is teaming up with some familiar faces, including some of the fabulous ladies of Momversation™, to bring moms together to share stories and tips, celebrate the small wins and laugh about situations that only other moms can relate to. Each month, this online community will be tackling topics from how to deal with picky eaters, to getting them to eat their veggies to what's being discussed at the dinner table, with some tips from parenting expert and author, Dr. Michele Borba, and Registered Dietician, Dr. Felicia Stoler.
In addition to the ongoing fun and conversation, the Mom's the Word on Dinner community will feature videos, photos, polls, quizzes and dinner ideas with quick and easy recipes. With two full servings of veggies in every half cup of Ragú® Old World Style® Traditional pasta sauce, Ragú® provides nutritious meal options for parents to help them on their mission to feed their kids well. This wouldn't be a true community without interaction and Ragú® wants to hear what happens at dinnertime in kitchens and homes across the country! Moms can join the conversation and tell their story for a chance to be featured in a Ragú® ad in PEOPLE magazine at www.Facebook.com/ragusauce.
Disclosure: I was entered for a chance to win a Ragú® prize package in exchange for this post. No monetary exchange took place
Ragú® is teaming up with some familiar faces, including some of the fabulous ladies of Momversation™, to bring moms together to share stories and tips, celebrate the small wins and laugh about situations that only other moms can relate to. Each month, this online community will be tackling topics from how to deal with picky eaters, to getting them to eat their veggies to what's being discussed at the dinner table, with some tips from parenting expert and author, Dr. Michele Borba, and Registered Dietician, Dr. Felicia Stoler.
In addition to the ongoing fun and conversation, the Mom's the Word on Dinner community will feature videos, photos, polls, quizzes and dinner ideas with quick and easy recipes. With two full servings of veggies in every half cup of Ragú® Old World Style® Traditional pasta sauce, Ragú® provides nutritious meal options for parents to help them on their mission to feed their kids well. This wouldn't be a true community without interaction and Ragú® wants to hear what happens at dinnertime in kitchens and homes across the country! Moms can join the conversation and tell their story for a chance to be featured in a Ragú® ad in PEOPLE magazine at www.Facebook.com/ragusauce.
Disclosure: I was entered for a chance to win a Ragú® prize package in exchange for this post. No monetary exchange took place
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Technology Tips
My favorite things to purchase at Staples are the fun little gifts - perfect for stocking stuffers. I love buying beautiful journals and fun colored pens, along with post it notes of all shapes, colors and sizes. Some other items that are fun for kids are the calculators that clip onto a back pack or keychain, and the fun paper clips and thumb tacks. There are so many fun small items to choose from, you can't go wrong!
In addition to all these fun items, they have more electronic gifts than I can even think of like laptops, printers, cam corders, digital cameras, memory cards, USB cards and more.
Here are most helpful tips for holiday tech shopping:
1. Check for the best prices. It may be easiest to go to one store and buy everything you want for the holidays, but it may not be best for your wallet. I love the site froogle.com where you can type in any item and it will list out the price of the item and where to find it. You can search by price. It's wonderful!
2. Another site I live by is retailmenot.com. On this site other shoppers can list coupon codes, printable coupons, freebies and great deals. I use this at least once a month. My favorite coupon codes from this site are for Victoria Secret, Charlotte Russe and Wet Seal, but there are so many more sites on here!
3. Rebates - check for mail in or instant rebates for technology items. So many electronics offer rebates which make the prices more affordable. Take the time to look up the flyers for each store, and compare rebates when considering the final prices.
4. Read Reviews - If an item has 25 bad reviews and 1 good review, then it probably is not the best choice. I find reviews very helpful. They tell you if a product is reliable or a piece of junk and will break right away.
5. Read the fine print - check what the item is compatible with, the warrenty, the return policy. These are all very important when buying technology.
On my holiday list are the following items that can all be found at Staples - mini laptop/netbook, camcorder, and a new digital camera. We have a digital camera that is wonderful for outdoor photos, but awful for low light locations. It would be so nice to have a camera that took decent photos indoors, so we could capture our date nights, and weddings, as well as holiday parties. Maybe someday Santa will bring them to our house, if not this year. :)
Happy Holidays!
I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Staples blogging program, making me eligible for a $50 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here - http://staplesholiday.twittermoms.com/about
Staples Holiday GuideHoliday Tech Gifts
In addition to all these fun items, they have more electronic gifts than I can even think of like laptops, printers, cam corders, digital cameras, memory cards, USB cards and more.
Here are most helpful tips for holiday tech shopping:
1. Check for the best prices. It may be easiest to go to one store and buy everything you want for the holidays, but it may not be best for your wallet. I love the site froogle.com where you can type in any item and it will list out the price of the item and where to find it. You can search by price. It's wonderful!
2. Another site I live by is retailmenot.com. On this site other shoppers can list coupon codes, printable coupons, freebies and great deals. I use this at least once a month. My favorite coupon codes from this site are for Victoria Secret, Charlotte Russe and Wet Seal, but there are so many more sites on here!
3. Rebates - check for mail in or instant rebates for technology items. So many electronics offer rebates which make the prices more affordable. Take the time to look up the flyers for each store, and compare rebates when considering the final prices.
4. Read Reviews - If an item has 25 bad reviews and 1 good review, then it probably is not the best choice. I find reviews very helpful. They tell you if a product is reliable or a piece of junk and will break right away.
5. Read the fine print - check what the item is compatible with, the warrenty, the return policy. These are all very important when buying technology.
On my holiday list are the following items that can all be found at Staples - mini laptop/netbook, camcorder, and a new digital camera. We have a digital camera that is wonderful for outdoor photos, but awful for low light locations. It would be so nice to have a camera that took decent photos indoors, so we could capture our date nights, and weddings, as well as holiday parties. Maybe someday Santa will bring them to our house, if not this year. :)
Happy Holidays!
I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Staples blogging program, making me eligible for a $50 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here - http://staplesholiday.twittermoms.com/about
Friday, November 12, 2010
Life can be so much easier than it is. How? There are many things that can be done to simplify your life. I know this may sound like an inspirational speech in the making, but it's true. Life is sometimes harder than it has to be.
Tip 1: Cleaning the toilet a pain? Use 1 can of coke, pour around the bowl and leave overnight. Flush in the morning and job done! If only all cleaning tasks were this easy!
Tip 2: I originally found this tip online, but I use it all the time, as I love to bake for my friends. How to Expand Frosting. . . When you buy a container of cake frosting from the store, whip it with your mixer for a few minutes. You can double it in size. You get to frost more cake/cupcakes with the same amount. You also eat less sugar and calories per serving
Tip 3: I also found this one online about a month ago, but it's so helpful! Unsticky Measuring Cups . . . Before you pour sticky substances into a measuring cup, fill with hot water. Dump out the hot water, but don’t dry cup. Next, add your ingredient, such as peanut butter, and watch how easily it comes right out.
Tip 4: For making pie crusts this holiday season, it's best to use cold butter for making the crust. Don't melt the butter or "soften" it. It's best when the butter is cut into cubes and kneeded in. The layers of butter between the dough make for a very flaky pie crust. Try it!
Tip 5: If you are making deviled eggs or boiled eggs, here is my tip. As soon as you are done boiling the eggs, rinse them in cool water. This prevents the yokes from turning green around the edges as they cool, and you can also work with them sooner!
Tip 6: I found this product online and think it's wonderful, it's the OK to Wake clock. My coworkers keep complaining about how their kids think as soon as the sun's up that it's time toget up, so they make a product called the "ok to wake" clock that tells kids when they can get up, even if it's already light outside.
Tip 7: Thanksgiving is just around the corner . . . we all love turkey, but what do you do with the leftovers. Every year my family makes turkey noodle soup. You boil the turkey carcas, and that makes a tasty broth, then add in some carrots, noodles, celery and corn and you have soup (of course, take the carcas out before you eat or serve the soup)
Tip 8: For those of you with kittens/cats. . . here's a tip to keep them from going after toes or hands. When they are little provide them with plenty of toys, but NEVER use your hands or feet to play with them. If you use the toys, it teaches them that toys are ok to chase. By using your hands/feet it teaches them that it's ok to chase and attack body parts, so start with toys when they're young. . . not human hands/feet.
Tip 9: Potty Training Tip - if you have a son and want to teach him to "aim," use cheerios. Put a few in the toilet bowl, and tell him to aim for the cheerios. It's great for learning, but can also be a game . . .win win!
Tip 10: For holiday shopping, here are some great money saving sites:
Try out some of these tips, for a less stressful and easier life. Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think of my tips, or if you have any to add.
Thanks and Happy Holidays! :)
I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Oral-B blogging contest, making me eligible to get full-sized Oral-B Glide products and a $30 Target gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.
Tip 1: Cleaning the toilet a pain? Use 1 can of coke, pour around the bowl and leave overnight. Flush in the morning and job done! If only all cleaning tasks were this easy!
Tip 2: I originally found this tip online, but I use it all the time, as I love to bake for my friends. How to Expand Frosting. . . When you buy a container of cake frosting from the store, whip it with your mixer for a few minutes. You can double it in size. You get to frost more cake/cupcakes with the same amount. You also eat less sugar and calories per serving
Tip 3: I also found this one online about a month ago, but it's so helpful! Unsticky Measuring Cups . . . Before you pour sticky substances into a measuring cup, fill with hot water. Dump out the hot water, but don’t dry cup. Next, add your ingredient, such as peanut butter, and watch how easily it comes right out.
Tip 4: For making pie crusts this holiday season, it's best to use cold butter for making the crust. Don't melt the butter or "soften" it. It's best when the butter is cut into cubes and kneeded in. The layers of butter between the dough make for a very flaky pie crust. Try it!
Tip 5: If you are making deviled eggs or boiled eggs, here is my tip. As soon as you are done boiling the eggs, rinse them in cool water. This prevents the yokes from turning green around the edges as they cool, and you can also work with them sooner!
Tip 6: I found this product online and think it's wonderful, it's the OK to Wake clock. My coworkers keep complaining about how their kids think as soon as the sun's up that it's time toget up, so they make a product called the "ok to wake" clock that tells kids when they can get up, even if it's already light outside.
Tip 7: Thanksgiving is just around the corner . . . we all love turkey, but what do you do with the leftovers. Every year my family makes turkey noodle soup. You boil the turkey carcas, and that makes a tasty broth, then add in some carrots, noodles, celery and corn and you have soup (of course, take the carcas out before you eat or serve the soup)
Tip 8: For those of you with kittens/cats. . . here's a tip to keep them from going after toes or hands. When they are little provide them with plenty of toys, but NEVER use your hands or feet to play with them. If you use the toys, it teaches them that toys are ok to chase. By using your hands/feet it teaches them that it's ok to chase and attack body parts, so start with toys when they're young. . . not human hands/feet.
Tip 9: Potty Training Tip - if you have a son and want to teach him to "aim," use cheerios. Put a few in the toilet bowl, and tell him to aim for the cheerios. It's great for learning, but can also be a game . . .win win!
Tip 10: For holiday shopping, here are some great money saving sites:
Try out some of these tips, for a less stressful and easier life. Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think of my tips, or if you have any to add.
Thanks and Happy Holidays! :)
I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Oral-B blogging contest, making me eligible to get full-sized Oral-B Glide products and a $30 Target gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.
Monday, September 13, 2010
To help make sure your kids get the veggies they need (and the meals they love) Ragú® Old World Style® Traditional Sauce now has 2 servings of veggies in every half cup! Available soon in major retailers nationwide, the healthy, great tasting Ragú® Old World Style® Traditional pasta sauce that is already a kitchen staple has a new, naturally thicker recipe.
Healthy, delicious and now with a naturally thicker taste the whole family will love, Ragú® Old World Style® Traditional Sauce is a perfect component to pulling together quick and tasty meals during this busy time. And Ragú® wants you to be among the first to try out their great new recipe! To be one of the first to taste Ragú® with 2 servings of veggies in every half-cup visit them on facebook.com/ragusauce for more details.
Disclosure: I was entered for a chance to win a Ragú® prize package in exchange for this post. No monetary exchange took place
Healthy, delicious and now with a naturally thicker taste the whole family will love, Ragú® Old World Style® Traditional Sauce is a perfect component to pulling together quick and tasty meals during this busy time. And Ragú® wants you to be among the first to try out their great new recipe! To be one of the first to taste Ragú® with 2 servings of veggies in every half-cup visit them on facebook.com/ragusauce for more details.
Disclosure: I was entered for a chance to win a Ragú® prize package in exchange for this post. No monetary exchange took place
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